
2019-22 LA, 2022-23 UK

Lighting Design By: Original LA (2018-2019)

R.S. Buck

Lighting Design By: LA (2019-2022) UK (2022-2023)

Thomas Schneider (White Fox Productions)

Thomas became the LA Show Resident Lighting Designer in September 2019. In 2022 Cages opened at the Riverside Studios in London with an updated lighting design.

"Avatars of human beings that are indistinguishable from the real thing have been created for a new “rock musical” with groundbreaking technology that could revolutionise live theatre.

The show, titled Cages, uses “mind-bending” special effects that can now achieve a theatre director’s wildest dreams. Digital characters will interact with an ensemble of seven live actors, appearing and disappearing instantaneously, suddenly filling the stage with a cast of hundreds or stretching a giant arm 20ft across the stage." - The Gaurdian

“All grounded in beautiful music and a glorious story. A story of heart. A story of shared humanity. A story for our times right now.” - Forbes

“The songs have a pulsating bass, infectious hooks, and a sumptuous serving of auto-tune… These earworms echo the aural aesthetics of Muse, Daft Punk, Ellie Goulding, Sufjan Stevens and Kanye West — if they were accompanied by a 50-piece orchestra.” - LA Times

Author, Composer, Director, Sound designer

CJ Baran, Benjamin J Romans

Associate Director

David Richardson, Leanne Pinder, Ryan Richardson

Set Designer

Fahmida Bakht

Costume Designer

Mildred Von Hildegard

Video/projection Designer

JoAnne Eagers Leon

Cast includes

Greg Oliver, Matt Holland, Gracie Hancock, Talia Palamathanan, Mackenzie Smith, Ashley Rowe, CJ Baran, Allison Harvard, Frida Sundemo, Harwood Gordon, Adrian C Falconer, Siobhan James

Production Manager

James Anderton


Benjamin J Romans, CJ Baran, Ian McEvily, Marc Jordan, Scenario Two Ltd

The Guardian

LA Times

ETC Blog Post