Mental Head Circus


Conceived and Choreographed by:

Terry Beeman (IMDB)

Lighting Design By:

Thomas Schneider (White Fox Productions)

A Twisted Aerial Dance Cabaret

Within Terry Beeman’s newest fascination, “Mental Head Circus”, lies an intoxicating creations of vaudeville circus amid his own compelling concept of movement. This devious cabaret clamors with dance, humor, and bawdy allure. Breathtaking aerialists that will captivate the voodoo of the night, twist your stars, and leave you possessed with your own emotions. A night of dark and startling exhibitions… Witness the muse in this big top of resplendent artistry.

Terry Beeman is a renowned choreographer, director, dancer, whose name associates with artistry and passion to dancers coast-to-coast and worldwide. Terry’s many talents open him up to knowledge that extends through not only dance, choreography, stunt and aerial work, acting and theater, but also narrating, directing and producing, music and film editing, and costume design. His resume keeps growing and growing throughout the years with new films, national commercials, world tours and theater production.

With a vast array of talent displayed in his cast. Mental Head Circus dancers and aerialists are featured in movies, television, commercials, tours and stage shows world wide.

-Hollywood Fringe