

Conceived and Choreographed by:

Dana Foglia

Lighting Design by:

Brandon Baruch (Web Site)

Lighting Direction by:

Thomas Schneider (White Fox Productions)

First debuted in New York City in 2011, this full length, futuristic, athletic, and memorizing show takes you on a journey like never before. With her fusion of Contemporary, Hip-Hop, and a hint of Vegas Cirque, Dana and her company embark on a journey that is foreseeing the future, all while creating an interactive experience. The dancers are persuasive in telling their story, and percussive in their bodies, all while bringing the music to life. Vatic takes its audience to another place, allowing them to feel something almost unimaginable, transfixing them and always wanting more. Dana Foglia has created a movement way ahead of this time and truly has raised the bar for what dance can be with ‘Vatic’.